UX / Product Designer

Project APACHE

Intel APACHE Enterprise Smart Goggles


Project Description

For Enterprise workers, Apache delivers a purpose-built experience, increasing efficiency and capabilities at the worker level.

With Apache, workers can see their environment in a more immersive way, gaining productivity, safety, and accuracy with hands free access to information displayed direct-to-eye.

Apache is and Android based compute platform with rich SDK and developer tools, enabling SW partners to develop key features for targeted industries.



Lead UX designer for the Apache Smart Goggles operating system (ApacheOS). 

Lead designer in creating the interaction paradigm for controlling the Apache Goggles.

Defined device software specifications from given data sets collected from user research trials.

Ran and conducted rapid user testing with 3D printed prototypes to test accessibility for button placement and touchpad affordances.

Conducted interviews and review sessions with external software partners and other stakeholders of the project.

Oversaw the design for interactive tutorial videos for Apache’s Out Of Box Experience.

Oversaw sound (Audio feedback) and head gesture paradigms for Apache. 

Oversaw Apache’s user education strategies and out of box experience designs.

Conducted review sessions and discussions with the industrial design team to drive interaction design decisions. 


01. / Designing for APACHE

The design challenges with Apache came from transforming an entire existing operating system for a completely new hardware. At the same time, the software experience needs to be robust enough to support third party enterprise software solutions on top of it - building the building blocks. 

Apache Keyboards.png

ApacheOS 1.0 is designed to provide the fundamental building blocks for our 3rd party developers to build their software solutions on the device.


02. / Hardware UX

Buttons + Touchpad 


Hardware Button Placement

By working closely with the industry design team, we had the ability to conduct rapid user testing with different button sizes and locations on 3D printed Apache models. This allowed our team to quickly ideate multiple solutions and  validations.


03. / User Education

Apache Intro Tutorial - An interactive tutorial for the users to get used to all the buttons and touchpad functions on the Apache device. In addition, demonstrating the camera feature on Apache.


Apache Reference Cards - A quick reference card for our users to carry with them with their badge cards.